Malva’s book

A compelling, award-winning memoir of a mother helping her autistic son to overcome his challenges; a success story that covers the journey from infancy to adulthood, and illustrates how love, determination, and hard work can conquer all.
Written to have broad audience appeal, this book is simultaneously a valuable autism/special-needs resource for parents and professionals. It is filled with inspiring, creative ideas, and includes reader resources such as thought-provoking discussion questions and an index of the therapeutic interventions/attitudes discussed throughout the text.
Benjamin, the focal subject of the story, has become a rising star in the world of public speaking, has been featured on TV and in various news stories, and is making a real impact in the communities that invite him to speak. His story encourages listeners to overcome their own barriers as well as educating them to have a more compassionate viewpoint towards those who are “different.” Benjamin’s message reaches far beyond the bounds of autism, and so does this book.

Book front cover image

Press Release:  Benjamin Breaking Barriers: Autism—A Journey of Hope is an inspirational story, coming at a time when 1 in 68 children is being diagnosed with autism. This compelling book details the journey of developing a special individual’s strengths with great heart, a message that resonates universally. The author’s sensitive retelling of how love and creativity brought forth her son’s hidden gifts speaks volumes about the power of hope, and her story of ongoing hard work and perseverance is an important message for today’s world. A gripping and inspiring book that reads like a novel while also providing a wealth of details for those working with autistic persons.

As a toddler, Benjamin, the author’s son, began retreating into a world of silence and isolation, completely taken over by strange physical movements and odd obsessions. His mother embarked on an intensive course of intervention, stimulating her child to learn and expand his horizons. Her energetic creativity and dogged determination to keep up hope for a bright future led Benjamin out of his autism and into a loving connection with his family. Over the years, Benjamin developed into an exceptionally social person talented in the areas of music, theater, and public speaking. In spite of his continuing challenges with autism, this young man shines on stage; Benjamin has become a recognized motivational speaker and an articulate spokesperson for those who cannot so easily reach out to others. His message reaches far beyond the bounds of autism, and so does this book.

Benjamin Breaking Barriers is clearly designed to be more than a highly moving and often humorous account; the categorized index of therapeutic considerations has the potential to be life-changing for the multitude of parents who are slogging in the trenches, dealing with autism and other related disorders; a wealth of practical strategies are interwoven with the colorful vignettes that make up the body of this book. For those readers who are just learning about autism, the story, in combination with the appendix of thoughtful Discussion Questions, will provoke introspection and lively debate, thus supporting the development of compassion for those who are “different,” regardless of their “label.”

All children benefit from attentive, creative parenting, and Benjamin Breaking Barriers leads the way by providing examples of interactions and activities that can benefit any child or young adult, not just those requiring a therapeutic level of intervention. Benjamin himself is a prime example of how strong core values can be instilled into the growing child and can then blossom, making for an individual who touches the hearts of many, acts as a beacon of inner light and courage, and brings joy to all who know him.

Watch a short demo-video of Benjamin giving his Breaking Through Barriers presentation: 

To purchase the book and for detailed information on Benjamin’s presentations, please see our website

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